Checkers Speech Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Checkers Speech? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What was the slogan of the Eisenhower/Nixon campaign?

Korea, Communism, Corruption
Hope and Change
Make Me Like Ike
Make America Great Again
Q. Why were Democrat party bosses determined to have any candidate other than Estes Kefauver?

They thought the name "Estes" was weird.
They though he was too liberal.
They thought he had a troubling personal life that might cost the election.
They thought his campaign was based largely on a crusade against the party bosses.
Q. How was the election of 1952 one of the last major showdowns between the Old Guard Republicans and the Progressive Republicans?

It was the last nomination in which Robert Taft, the poster child of the Old Guard, would run.
After 1952 the party reunified and each side settled their differences peacefully and cooperatively.
All of the Old Guard party leaders keeled over from a long life of digging their heels in and refusing to change.
The Progressive Republicans joined the Libertarian Party in 1953.
Q. Why was Nixon's fund such a big deal anyway?

He was spending it on frivolous expenses.
It was discovered in a Swiss bank account.
It redirected the Republican campaign against corruption back onto the Republicans.
Nixon had embezzled the money from his old law firm.
Q. Why were both parties so eager to draft Eisenhower?

Eisenhower threatened a military coup.
Eisenhower was one of the most popular public figures at the time.
Nobody else seemed to want the nomination.
Each party felt Eisenhower reflected their party platform.