Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt

Character Analysis

In addition to being bangarang parents, Roy considers his mom and dad to be his best friends (16.78). In fact, they're the only examples of decent parenting in the entire book.

While Mullet Fingers has a nonexistent relationship with his mother, Roy's father acts as his role model and confidant. And when Roy and Mrs. Eberhardt stop by Dana's house, they both witness Dana and his mom acting like brutes…which is the complete opposite of Roy's relationship with his own mother.

There's no question that Roy's parents love him. Not only do they reassure Roy of their love at every moment, but both parents express their love through their actions. When Roy's mom got the call that he was in the emergency room, they rushed to the hospital and demanded to see their son. Also, little things like a family airboat ride and Sunday being "reserved for family activities" (16.1) show how their relationship with each other is of the utmost importance.

Plus, both Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt are super-supportive of Roy's effort to save the burrowing owls, and they try to advise him the best they can. Roy's mom tells him to just follow his heart when the line between right and wrong is blurred. And Mr. Eberhardt takes it to the next level: he guides Roy to investigate the necessary paperwork for Mother's Paula's construction and eventually helps him understand the Environmental Impact Statement that the file was missing. This is the crucial information that brings Mother Paula's down.

So we're going to go ahead and give Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt the Coconut Cove Parents Of The Year Award. We know, we know: the competition isn't the fiercest. But we're guessing they'll take the prize with their characteristic charm, humor, and all-around awesomeness.