The House of the Scorpion Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He saw the fantastic gardens of the Big House, the statues of babies with wings, the orange trees festooned with lights. This was his last night on earth, and he wanted to remember everything. (22.124)

Everything in these lines seems beautiful. But how can it, when Matt knows he's about to die?

Quote #2

"You've had many lives," Celia said. "Thousands of them are buried under the poppy fields." (23.34)

If El Patrón thinks he deserves to live extra for all the siblings he's lost, Celia points out that he's taken enough lives to live thousands of lifetimes. It's time to give up, El Patrón. You lost this round.

Quote #3

"There were eight of us," the old man cried. "We should all have grown up, but I was the only survivor. I am meant to have those lives! I am meant to have justice!" (23.30)

El Patrón's idea of "justice" is warped to say the least. Check out the "Characters" section for more on his fear of death and his obsession with his past.