How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. (Sonnet 43) Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this poem?

PG for suggestive language

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but we'd like to think that all the passionate intensity in this sonnet counts for something, even if there isn't any explicit material. After all, the speaker's love is very physical – it has "depth and breadth and height" (2). And she loves her beloved "freely" (7) and with "passion" (9). OK, maybe we're imagining it, but this speaker's fervent admiration for her lover seems to have depths of intensity that are a little too much to be rated G. Still, it's mild enough to read in front of your grandmother. What do you mean, "Who reads poems to their grandmother?" Maybe she'd like to hear one. Read her this one and see. Maybe your grandfather would be interested, too.