I Am the Messenger Part 2 / Chapter 10 Summary

the easy one and ice cream

  • Even though Ed's sore from scrubbing, it was worth it to give Father O'Reilly a full church for once.
  • Meanwhile, he's tracked down Angie Carusso—she's got three kids and a lot of responsibility. There's no dad in the picture, so everything is up to her.
  • Ed watches Angie with her kids at the park; they beg her for ice cream, but they only get one a week.
  • Ed has a little eureka moment, and realizes that ice cream saves the day.
  • Angie watches her kids play and her mind wanders.
  • Ed still hangs out with Milla and checks in on Father O'Reilly from time to time—his church isn't quite as full as the free beer week, but there are more people in it for sure.
  • Then Ed finds Gavin Rose, a fourteen-year-old jerk who bullies other kids. He's stuck in a vicious cycle: his brother beats on him, and then he beats on other kids.
  • Ed arranges to accidentally-on-purpose bump into Gavin one night after his brother takes a swing at him.
  • Gavin complains about his brother, and Ed thinks he'll have to get them to band together if he's going to solve this one.