Loyalty Quotes in I Know This Much is True

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"He always comes over on Sunday," I said. "He expects me." (6.106)

Dominick is a man of his word, and even though he could write Thomas off as being crazy, he still wants his brother to be able to count on him.

Quote #2

"I've always been the one who had to look out for him. Not that I ever signed up for the job, believe me." (7.94)

Despite making every effort to be loyal to his brother, Dominick isn't happy about it. He feels more like it's a burden than happy to be doing his brotherly duty.

Quote #3

"Could you just do me a favor and be his roommate?" (8.21)

Dominick wasn't always loyal to Thomas. He'd do anything to get out of being Thomas's roommate in college, but his Ma talks him into it—showing, again, where her loyalty lies.