Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who puts perfume on an elephant? (This is not a hypothetical question.)

Short Round
the Maharaja
Dumbo's girlfriend
Q. Mistaking it for an elephant's trunk on her shoulder, what does Willie throw into the jungle?

a vine
an eel
a snake
Indy's whip (not a euphemism)
Q. Why do the native guides steal the elephants and flee back to the village?

the Maharaja frightens them
they see a scary statue
Indy tells them to leave
there's a two-for-one sale on elephant saddles
Q. Who gets thrown off an elephant?

Short Round
another elephant
Q. Who commands an elephant to squirt Indy and Willie with water from its trunk?

the Maharaja
the village elder
Short Round
Donald Duck