Inkheart Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I doubt he himself has any idea what it's like to be so paralyzed by fear that you feel small and insignificant. But he knows just how to arouse that fear and spread it, in people's homes and their beds, in their heads and their hearts." (3.40)

Dustfinger characterizes Capricorn's power as coming from his ability to spread fear so easily and effortlessly. Because when people are afraid of you, you gain power over them, plain and simple.

Quote #2

"I'm happy to make promises, especially promises I can't keep." (17.61)

Oh, Capricorn, you sound so diabolical here. He's basically admitting that he makes promises in order to manipulate people into doing what he wants, and that he doesn't care if he can't keep them—in fact, it's better that way. It kinda makes us wonder why anyone who hears Capricorn talking this way (such as his men) keeps associating with him, since he's pretty much guaranteeing to fall through on his word at some point.

Quote #3

"This will provide her with reliable protection from snakes and fierce dogs but not, of course, from Basta himself, who will be kind to her only as long as I say so. And that in turn will depend on whether I am pleased with your services." (17.95)

As an example of Capricorn being diabolical and manipulating people, we see him gaining power over Mo by having Basta "protect" Meggie. Blackmail is a pretty potent way of gaining power over someone, and Capricorn sure seems like he knows what he's doing here.