Granny Timeline and Summary


Granny Timeline and Summary

  • Granny comes to the family's rescue while Papa is doing hard labor at a white man's farm after being convicted of unemployment.
  • She pays the rent, buys them groceries, and provides money for the children's medicine.
  • Granny is worried when her son, Piet, is picked up by the police. He's only thirteen but because he's tall, the police don't believe that he's not an adult. (Because they take him to be an adult, the police require a pass book that Piet doesn't have.)
  • Granny is laid off of one job but picks up a gardening job with a family called the Smiths, who send books and comic books back with her for her "smart" grandson, Mark.
  • Granny takes Mark to meet the Smiths, which opens the door for him in several ways. The Smiths start sending more books to Mark and give him a used tennis racket.
  • Granny is proud of her grandson, Mark. She sacrifices, along with her children Piet and Bushy, to keep Mark in school.