Oliver Mellors Timeline and Summary


Oliver Mellors Timeline and Summary

  • Mellors shows up out of nowhere in the woods and meets Connie.
  • He and Connie don't get along at first, and he seems really irritated that she's intruding on his private moments with his chickens. Seriously.
  • When he sees Connie crying about those chickens, he's so moved that he has sex with her immediately.
  • Mellors is so good at sex that he makes Connie fall in love with him against her will—but it backfires when she starts talking about packing up the U-Haul and moving in with him.
  • While Connie is spending the night, Mellors spews some vitriol about women and modernity.
  • Connie heads off to Venice, and Mellors's estranged wife Bertha shows up to smear his name all over town.
  • Clifford fires Mellors, and he heads off to learn to milk cows and tend goats. He writes awesome letters to Connie, and they wait for his divorce to go through.