Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) Scene 9 Summary

  • At the theater, Guido sits in the orchestra, watching Dora in the box with Rodolfo.
  • Using the willpower technique Ferruccio taught him, he wills her to look down at him. She does. So does the woman sitting next to him. Yeah, that one was awkward.
  • After the play, Dora asks Rodolfo if they can get some ice cream. He says they can, but it'll have to be quick because they're going to the Prefect's house for dinner.
  • Dora sarcastically prays that she be spared another night with the Prefect.
  • Rodolfo initially says he'll cancel, but then they bump into the Prefect. Rodolfo caves and says they'll meet him at dinner.
  • Guido and Ferruccio meet Oreste in the lobby. Guido asks Oreste if the theater curtains were made by him. When Oreste turns to look, Guido snatches his hat and bolts.
  • It's raining outside. Dora tells Rodolfo to go and get the car.
  • Awhile later, a black car rolls up front and honks. Dora gets in.
  • She lays into Rodolfo for a bit before looking over at him. It's not Rodolfo; it's Guido, who borrowed Ferruccio's car to trick Dora.
  • She demands an explanation, but Guido's like, "No, you owe me one; you got in my car. You must be crushing on me pretty hard."
  • Guido realizes he doesn't know how to turn on the windshield wipers and crashes the car.