A Little Princess Mr. Carrisford Quotes

Mr. Carrisford

Quote 1

"As to starving in the streets," he said," She might have starved more comfortably there than your attic." (18.60)

Touché, Mr. Carrisford. Touché, indeed. (Although probably not true, actually. We do hate to say it, though.)

Mr. Carrisford

Quote 2

"We must begin at once. No time must be lost," Mr. Carrisford fretted. "Have you any new suggestions to make—any whatsoever?" (17.39)

Sara wasn't to be found in Paris, but Mr. Carrisford is determined to keep looking for her, even if it's blindly. Luckily his patience is just about to be rewarded.

Mr. Carrisford

Quote 3

"I MUST find her. If she is alive, she is somewhere. If she is friendless and penniless, it is through my fault…" (12.33)

Mr. Carrisford is all broken up inside with guilt because he thinks it's his fault that Sara is somewhere out there with no money whatsoever. And, well, it kind of is. But we still think Miss Minchin deserves the most blame.