Lord Jim Chapter 16 Summary

  • Things start improving for Jim in the future, Marlow tells us: "He captured much honour and Arcadian happiness (I won't say anything about innocence) in the bush [...]" (16.1).
  • Arcadian refers to a region in ancient Greece (Arcadia), and the word has come to mean a simple, peaceful, country region. And when he says "the bush," he's referring to the wilderness or countryside. It appears Jim made a life for himself somewhere quiet and unpopulated.
  • But before we get too far into Jim's current situation, Marlow wants to give us some more details about this Chester guy. He tells us Chester was at sea in a hurricane not too long after his meeting with Marlow.
  • Back at Marlow's hotel, he wraps up his letters on behalf of Jim, and the two of them start to chat. But the ever-awkward Jim tries to rush off. Marlow calls him back.