Freedom and Confinement Quotes in Lord of Light

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Her figure, once lithe, was wide about the waist; her walk, once the swaying of boughs, was a waddle; her complexion was too dark; even through the veil the lines of her nose and jaw were too pronounced. (1.49)

The body provides confinement for the soul. This is especially true in a future where you can hop from bod to bod willy-nilly.

Quote #2

He played tune after forbidden tune, and the professional musicians put professional expressions of scorn upon their faces; but beneath their table several feet were tapping in slow time with the music. (2.53)

The gods try to confine the past to the past, but as we can see, the past cannot be so confined. Although prudence says the professional musicians must scorn the tune, yeah, they know otherwise.

Quote #3

"Why then do you destroy their own infant technology? The printing press has been rediscovered on three occasions that I can remember, and suppressed each time?"

"This was done for the same reason—they were not yet ready for it." (2.299-300)

Claiming to be a protector, Brahma is really just confining society to a technological dark age. Truth be told, it's really more of an everything dark age.