Gospel of Luke Chapter 17:11-19 Summary

Say "Thank You"

  • Jesus is still traveling toward Jerusalem via Galilee and Samaria. As he enters a certain village, ten men infected with leprosy catch Jesus's attention.
  • They cry out to Jesus, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us" (17:3).
  • As soon as he sees them, Jesus orders them to show themselves to the priests. Along the way, they are cleansed of their leprosy. Whoa.
  • Realizing he's been healed, one of them returns, shouting at the top of his lungs and giving major props to God. He falls on his face at Jesus's feet thanking him profusely.
  • Wait for it: he's a Samaritan. Rewind to 9:52-55 and 10:30-36 for some detailed comments on Samaritans.
  • Jesus asks, "Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they?" (17:17). Jesus is taken aback by the fact that only one of them returned to give God due props.
  • He tells the Samaritan to stand up and depart. His faith has saved him.