Luna/Liam Timeline and Summary


Luna/Liam Timeline and Summary

  • At the beginning of the book, Luna comes into Regan's room to show off a new girly outfit. We learn that Luna is technically Regan's brother, Liam, but that she is transgender.
  • The next day, Liam is back in typically male clothing at the table. He drives Regan to school and tells her that he can't live like this anymore.
  • After school, Liam reveals to Regan that he plans to start transitioning as a female—he asks her if she'll go shopping with him and she agrees to go on Saturday.
  • Liam meets a girl online who's recently transitioned named Teri Lynn. This story gives him hope about his own transition process.
  • Liam continues to hang out with his best friend, Aly, who totally has a crush on him and doesn't know that he's transgender.
  • When Saturday rolls around, Liam and Regan are about to leave when their dad stops them—Liam lies and tells him that they're going to the YMCA.
  • At the mall Liam changes into Luna's clothes and starts shopping at different stores. At the Gap, she asks for a shirt in a different color and the clerk looks repulsed; a group of middle school kids start heckling her.
  • The next day Liam is back to presenting as a boy—he still wants to go back to the mall though, and tells Regan so.
  • Luna and Regan go to the Taco Bell and go shopping downtown—all the while with Luna presenting as Luna.
  • After corresponding with Teri Lynn some more, Luna learns that she's coming into town and decides to go meet her. She wants to go shopping, but Regan has a date with Chris.
  • Because Regan has to babysit, Luna agrees to switch in for her while she's out on her date. This goes horribly awry though, because Luna tries on Elise Matera's clothing and makeup and gets caught.
  • Luna and Regan stop talking because Regan is so mad that she lost her job.
  • Luna goes shopping by herself and gets security called on her. Yikes.
  • Despite all of this, Luna still goes to meet with Teri Lynn and comes back seriously excited about the whole thing.
  • Now that her confidence is bolstered, Luna decides to tell Aly that she's transgender… but it doesn't go so well.
  • Afterward, Luna comes to school dressed as her true self. Hoyt, who has been bullying her since they were kids, picks on her.
  • Finally Luna decides to come out to her family, so she comes to the table dressed as Luna—which leads to a huge altercation with her dad.
  • Aly comes over and plays video games with Luna, demonstrating that she still wants to be friends.
  • That night Luna wakes Regan up and has her drive them to the airport. She gets on a plane to Washington in order to start her life over again.