Luna Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Luna? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Whose reaction upsets Regan the most when they go to the mall, and why?

The clerk at the Gap because she seems repulsed
The thirteen-year-old kids because they're vulgar
The man at Sears because he looks just like their dad
The dude who checks Luna out and makes a lewd gesture
Q. Why does Luna sometimes look at Regan with sheer hatred?

Because Regan's wardrobe is way more fabulous
Because Regan is physically a girl like Luna's always wanted to be
Because Regan always eats the last donut at breakfast
Because Aly likes Regan better
Q. What does Luna ask for on her ninth birthday?

A football helmet and football
An Easy Bake Oven
A Prom Barbie and a bra
A Barney sing-along video
Q. Why doesn't Regan's dad like their mom working?

Because he doesn't like having more money
Because he wants someone to make his bologna roll-ups
Because he's conservative
Because he's embarrassed to let other people see her
Q. Why does Regan say "Hello Regan" at the end of the book?

Because Luna has decided to take the name "Regan" as her female moniker
Because she's been trying to figure out her own name this whole time
Because her name isn't really Regan and she's been living a lie this whole time
Because she can finally live her own life now that Luna is gone