Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Jimmie's occupation for a long time was to stand on street corners and watch the world go by, dreaming blood-red dreams at the passing of pretty women. (4.8)

Jimmie drifts between feeling like he's part of the world and feeling separate from it; his anger at everyone helps protect him from caring. Before he became a truck driver, he amused himself with some sort of disturbing visions of female passers-by.

Quote #2

He maintained a belligerent attitude toward all well-dressed men. To him fine raiment was allied to weakness, and all good coats covered faint hearts. He and his order were kings, to a certain extent, over the men of untarnished clothes, because these latter dreaded, perhaps, to be either killed or laughed at. (4.10)

Easier to hate people than envy them, right? Rather than being impressed by wealth, Jimmie sees himself as above such concerns. He knows well-dressed men fear him—and that's what matters.

Quote #3

When he had a dollar in his pocket his satisfaction with existence was the greatest thing in the world. So, eventually, he felt obliged to work. (4.12)

Of course, Jimmie is a bit of a hypocrite. He hates people who show their wealth, but he sees the world differently when he has cash himself. Time to get a job.