Mending Wall Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (line)

Quote #1

Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun, (lines 1-3)

Whatever this "something" is, he/she/it certainly doesn’t know how to use his/her/its words. Did your mom, dad or grandparent ever tell you to "use your words," instead of your actions, when you were little? Well, this "something" certainly does not know how to communicate his/her/its dissatisfaction with the wall, and, instead, invites the frost to come and mess with the rocks in the wall. Something, do you need a time-out?

Quote #2

I have come after them and made repair (line 6)

Why doesn’t out speaker just ask the hunters not to hunt on his property? Or, why doesn’t he just post a sign saying, "No Bunny Hunting?" Instead, he seems locked in some passive-aggressive battle with the disrespectful hunters, and he seems content to follow after them and clean up.

Quote #3

I let my neighbor know beyond the hill (line 12)

The speaker commences the mending season. He reaches out to the neighbor. However, he doesn’t tell the neighbor that it’s time to starting mending the wall again; he simply tells this neighbor that the wall is broken in places (yet again). To us, the speaker seems like he needs a friend. Or, maybe just a hug. We’re not sure which.