Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Tim the Enchanter

Okay, this one is a bit of a stretch, but to be fair there weren't really a whole lot of candidates. (We could have said God but maybe He was just messing with them about the whole Grail thing for His own amusement.)

Tim actually does lead them somewhere, and he does try to help them see the truth. He also laughs at them and says, "I told you so" when they begin to drop like flies to the razor-sharp fangs of the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, but we'll overlook that part. Tim's really the only person they meet who's in a position of power but not really in opposition to the knights. He may not be the ideal mentor, or much of a mentor at all, but like Patsy knocking two coconut halves together, we have to work with what we've got.