Sir Bedevere (Terry Jones)’s Timeline and Summary

Sir Bedevere (Terry Jones)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Bedevere, the wise man that he is, helps some village people determine whether a woman is a witch. After taking the necessary rational steps in his sequence of scientific logic, he can only conclude that she is.
  • Arthur is impressed by his display of knowledge and Bedevere becomes the first Knight of the Round Table.
  • He travels with the company to Camelot and, when God gives them their quest to find the Grail he stays with Arthur.
  • He cooks up a plan to infiltrate a French castle but is thwarted.
  • He is confronted by the Knights Who Say Ni.
  • He and Arthur travel to a nearby village and find a shrubbery thanks to Roger the Shrubber, and they take it back to the Knights who until recently said "ni."
  • However, the KWSN not only want a second shrubbery, but also insist they cut down a mighty tree with a herring (well at least they were willing to provide the herring).
  • Luckily Bedevere and Arthur escape using the most terrifying of words: "it".
  • They join the rest of the company and eventually run into an enchanter named Tim who takes them to the cave wherein lies the clue to the Grail's location.
  • Bedevere is almost slaughtered by the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog guarding the cave, but after a full retreat, Arthur defeats it with the Holy Hand Grenade.
  • Inside the cave they not only find a clue but also the Legendary Black Beast of Aaarrggghhh.
  • They barely escape thanks to a conveniently timed heart attack of the animator who created the Beast.
  • Bedevere cleverly answers three questions and gets free passage across the Bridge of Death, where he and Arthur travel on boat to Castle Aaarrggghhh.
  • Bedevere retreats with Arthur when the French assault them with a hodgepodge of insults, feces, and randomly thrown livestock. They regroup and prepare to charge.
  • However, they're stopped by the policemen investigating the historian's murder. Bedevere is thrown into the trunk of a car and someone orders a blanket be put over him.
  • What an ignominious ending for a wise and glorious Knight.