More Than Human Part 1, Section 9 Summary

  • More new characters! They are Mr. and Mrs. Prodd. Maybe something good will finally happen.
  • Mrs. Prodd sees her husband bring in Lone, who's hurt badly. Her husband asks her to get a blanket, which she retrieves from the room of someone named Jack.
  • Mr. Prodd takes Lone into Jack's empty bed. The two decide to save the injured Lone.
  • For about two weeks, Mrs. Prodd brings Lone food. He doesn't say anything. Poor guy.
  • Mr. Prodd asks his wife if she thinks Lone is feeble-minded. She says he's just traumatized.
  • She takes care of Lone for weeks. He gets a little better, then finally comes out to the dinner table.
  • Mrs. Prodd helps him eat. Her husband says not to baby him. They argue about this.
  • She decides they'll raise Lone, but not call him Jack. Mr. Prodd wonders if raising Lone is the right thing to do.