August Krapptauer

Character Analysis

Krapptauer, one of Jones's sidekicks, kicks the bucket shortly after we meet him. Why? Well, he's an elderly man at this point, and, according to Campbell, "Vice-Bundesfuehrer Krapptauer, on his own initiative, went down all those stairs to get my Helga's luggage from Jones' limousine. The reunion of Helga and me had made him feel young and courtly again" (17.1).

What does this tell us? Well, for one, it's clear that Krapptauer is all about "honoring the idea of an Anglo-Saxon family" (16.2), specifically in light of the reunion between Helga (secretly Resi) and Campbell. He thinks of them as the foundation for the purest "race." He clearly doesn't really get how genes work.

Anyway, we also know that Krapptauer was also starting an underground, secret army of teenage boys to, um, harass people and be supposedly classy white supremacists. That army was to be called The Iron Guard of the White Sons of the American Constitution. Catchy.

That's about it, but in case you were wondering, his name is pronounced "Crap Tower."