My Brother Sam Is Dead Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around My Brother Sam Is Dead? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who declares, "My duty to my country comes first. Now please everybody stop arguing with me"?

Mr. Meeker
Mrs. Meeker
Sam Meeker
The Meeker cows
Q. "That isn't news, Colonel Read. I've known that for three weeks" is said by whom?

A traveling salesman
Mrs. Meeker
Mr. Heron
Tom Warrups
Q. Who says, "I'd fight if I could"?

Tim Meeker
Mrs. Meeker
Betsy Read
Sam Meeker
Q. Who shrugs, "Oh just some business letters"?

Mr. Heron
Mr. Meeker
Colonel Read
the stamps
Q. Who claims, "The boy has to learn a lesson, he's far too headstrong"?

Tim Meeker
Mr. Meeker
Old Pru
Sam Meeker