New England Puritans & Pilgrims Websites

New England Puritans & Pilgrims Websites

The Plymouth Colony Archive

The Plymouth Colony Archive Project at the University of Virginia includes primary sources, maps, and undergraduate papers.

Connecticut Laws and Records

The Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, from 1636 to 1776, are all available online with a searchable index.

The Rules in 17th-Century Providence Colony

The laws passed by the First General Assembly of Providence Colony in 1647 have been scanned and posted online, including the provisions against "whoremongers" and "sodomy."

Rowlandson's Harrowing Tale

The Mary Rowlandson captivity narrative is available online through Project Gutenberg.

Crimes in Early Plymouth

The capital laws of Plymouth Colony from 1671 are scanned and available online.

Primary Sources on Colonial America

Yale Law School's Avalon Project is a fantastic resource for primary historical sources.