Mortality Quotes in New Moon

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #1

That was me. Me in a mirror. Me – ancient, creased, and withered.

Edward stood beside me… excruciatingly lovely and forever seventeen. (1.19-20)

Staying human and aging doesn’t feel like an option to Bella, when it comes to the future of her relationship with Edward. But if she couldn’t become a vampire, would she actually break up with him?

Quote #2

[Edward to Bella:] "You humans have it so easy! All you have to do is throw down one tiny vial of plant extracts… I’m not even sure how many ways Carlisle tried to kill himself… after he realized what he had become…" (1.130)

Edward seems to be as envious of mortality as Bella and many humans are of immortality. Could his attitude be a case of "wanting something because you can’t have it"?

Quote #3

[Edward to Bella:] "…you don’t irritate the Volturi," Edward went on,…"Not unless you want to do die – or whatever is it we do." (1.143)

Edward feels contempt for his kind. He also seems to be afraid of what happens to vampires after they die.