No Country for Old Men Scene 4 Summary

  • Back at home, Moss stashes the guns he found in the desert under his house. When he heads inside, his young wife Carla Jean asks him what's in the briefcase he's carrying.
  • He answers that it's full of money (haha). She assumes he's joking but is a little freaked out by the pistol tucked into the back of his jeans.
  • When, she asks where he got it. Moss answers by saying that she asks too many questions. Women, right? Always asking about questionable weapons and weird briefcases!
  • So far, it's been an awesome day. Llewellyn's walked off with a cool two million, and the only people who know what happened are about to be eaten by wolves.
  • Problem is, Llewellyn can't sleep because he feels guilty about not giving the dying man any water earlier that day. He gets out of bed and—in a stunning display of bad judgment—he heads back out into the desert with a jug of water.