Frederick Hale Timeline and Summary


Frederick Hale Timeline and Summary

  • We first hear about Frederick when his parents start talking about how they wish he were still around. It takes a few chapters for us to realize that Frederick is a fugitive for having started a mutiny while working in the navy.
  • Later in the book, Frederick gets a letter from his sister Margaret saying that their mother is dying. He risks his life to come out of hiding and travel to England to be at her bedside when she dies.
  • After his mother's death, Frederick goes to the Milton train station with his sister Margaret. He plans to meet the lawyer Henry Lennox in London to see if he could ever try to appeal his conviction in court.
  • At the train station, though, Frederick runs into a guy named Leonards who recognizes him from the navy. Leonards tries to arrest him so he can collect a reward, but Frederick pushes him onto the train tracks. Leonards dies later that night from a long-term liver problem, although authorities wonder whether Frederick's push might have played a part in the death.