Nothing Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The sun was heavy, making us slow and irritable, the tarmac caught on the soles of our sneakers, and apples and pears were just ripe enough to lie snugly in the hand, the perfect missiles." (2.4)

It's a well-documented fact that violent crimes rise with the heat. A University of Iowa study found that there are 2.6 percent more murders in the U.S. in the summer than in the winter (source). Seriously.

Quote #2

One stone, two stones, many stones. (4.1)

Here we have another of Teller's cool, funky, choppy, three-fragment sentence things. And yes, you're welcome to steal that scholarly description from us.

Quote #3

We should have stopped even before it got this far. Now it was somehow too late, even though I did what I could. (5.19)

Agnes is already aware things are headed in a bad direction after the first three sacrifices. You know that kid with the Dungeons and Dragons books was giving some serious thanks for going first when it came finger time.