Oscar Wilde Websites

The Official Website of Oscar Wilde

So obviously Oscar Wilde doesn't update his own website. The company that manages his estate does, however, and it's a good first stop for a basic introduction to the poet's life. We especially like the Fast Facts page, a quick-and-dirty, FBI dossier-like rundown of Wilde's history.

The Oscar Wilde Collection

This page has everything Wilde ever wrote collected in one place and laid out in an attractive, easy-to-read format. Many of the works are available in PDF format - great for printing out on-the-go reading, or if you're interested in staging any of Wilde's plays.

Reading Wilde, Querying Spaces

The New York University Library put together an exhibit commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wilde's trials. It has now been adapted to the Internet. Some of the language is kind of academic, but it contains many interesting primary documents about Wilde and his work.

The Trials of Oscar Wilde

The legal proceedings that ruined Wilde's career and personal reputation were some of the most dramatic cases of their time. This incredible site from the University of Missouri-Kansas City law school has all the information you need on Wilde's legal troubles, including his writings from prison, transcripts of the trial and an explanation of how homosexuality was treated under the law in Wilde's time.

The Oscar Wilde Society

The Oscar Wilde Society described itself as "a literary society devoted to the congenial appreciation of Oscar Wilde."_CITATION28_ They are a group of Wilde enthusiasts based in the UK, but with membership all over the world. They produce regular publications and host Wilde-themed events.

The Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde

Wilde was a prolific writer of fairy tales. This site gathers them all together with illustrations by various artists. Rarely is the Internet pretty, but this site certainly is.