Mr. Spiro

Character Analysis

I Can Show You the World

When Victor first encounters Mr. Spiro on the paper route, he thinks he's one weird dude. After all, Mr. Spiro talks in rambling monologues with lots of big words and literary references peppered in his speech:

Mr. Spiro used words in strange ways but it was easy enough to tell what he was talking about. He made what he said sound important like he was talking to a grown-up. I liked him double when I knew I wouldn't have to try to say Ninety-five cents again. (3.53)

Through Mr. Spiro, though, Victor is able to see what it means to really love learning instead of just having to go through the motions for school. Mr. Spiro talks to Victor like an adult instead of dumbing things down because he's a kid or has a stutter. He has long philosophical conversations with Victor and just assumes that Victor can keep up. Mr. Spiro teaches Victor that he can learn anything he wants about the world as long as he feeds his thirst for knowledge and keeps seeking out the truth.