Edgar Allan Poe Websites

Poe Stories

Though you can find Poe's short stories at other places on the Web, this site wins points for its nifty presentation and fun extras like a gallery of Poe images and a glossary of terms that appear in Poe's stories.

Poe Museum

This Richmond, Virginia museum is located next to the places where Poe lived and worked. The site has lots of information about Poe's life in the city and beyond. Though most biographies note both the positive and negative aspects of Poe's character, these people love their Edgar and will not tolerate any trash-talking of him.

The House of Usher

This site bills itself as the "world's 'premiere' Edgar Allan Poe fan site." It's an eclectic mix of Poe factoids and primary documents, though most of the links lead to other sites rather than original information. It's also probably the only site with a page devoted to Edgar Allan Poe and cats.

Knowing Poe

If you're more of a video person, this site - created by Maryland Public Television - is the Poe site for you. It focuses on Poe's life in Baltimore and also contains fascinating information on his life and career.

Precisely Poe

This cool site is by Poe aficionado and high school teacher Martha Womack, who was inspired to create it when confronted with conflicting information on Poe while preparing lesson plans. She also links to the Poe Decoder, a project created by amateur Poe scholars that is like a Poe-specific Shmoop.

The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore

These people know everything. Though the site is written in a somewhat stuffy, just-for-grownups style, it contains a ton of useful primary documents. You can find all of Poe's letters here, as well as his literary criticism—much of it delightfully bitchy.