Postcards from No Man's Land Chapter 10 Summary


  • On the way to Dirk's farm, he kills a German solider. Geertrui gets that this is necessary, but she also regrets it because she thinks there's already been enough killing in the war. Why does anyone have to die?
  • As she goes on, Geertrui thinks about how much staying alive really just comes down to luck. Sure they are careful as they can be, but it's lucky the German didn't shoot one of them first, or they didn't get hit by an explosion or a British soldier accidentally—it's all only luck.
  • When they finally get to the farm, Jacob is in a bad way; he's almost unconscious from all the pain, and he needs rest. They get him inside and give him some food, but they are so exhausted that Geertrui and Jacob fall asleep until the next morning.
  • When she wakes up, Geertrui learns what they will all do. Dirk's parents (Mr. and Mrs. Wesseling) aren't too happy about housing a British solider; they want to help the kid out, but they're afraid of what will happen if they are found out.
  • They decide that Dirk and Henk must stay out in the hiding place in the gallery of the cowhouse attached to the main house—it is pretty well covered with hay, so no one can find it unless they know to look for it, or are tipped off.
  • There's room enough in there for a couple of beds and space for them to hide, so no one sees the boys roaming around the farm. If they get caught, they'll be sent to a German labor camp… or worse.
  • Luckily, Geertrui can stay in the house with the Wesselings since she is a family friend who has proper papers—it probably won't be too suspicious.
  • But then there is Jacob, a British soldier who just shouldn't be there; he can't go in the hiding place because he's too weak and unable to walk yet.
  • So they decide that Jacob can stay in one of the bedrooms in the house for a couple days, and hopefully he'll be able to walk soon—they'll run into big trouble if the Germans find him there though, so hopefully none will come knocking for a couple days.
  • While there, Geertrui dutifully works on the farm and takes care of Jacob. Mrs. Wesseling makes it abundantly clear that she's got to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to taking care of him, and she also tells Geertrui that she's not good enough to marry Dirk. Okay, lady, whatever you say.
  • We get a little backstory while at the farm: Dirk is head-over-heels for Geertrui, but she's not sure if she's into him; his mom wants to make sure it stays this way.
  • In the morning, Geertrui goes in to wake Jacob up with a bowl of coffee and a cheerful song. Quickly, it becomes their morning ritual—she sings to him and brings him coffee, while he waits for her to wake up. Even when he's already awake when she gets there, he pretends to be asleep so they can go through their little thing together. Aw…