Red Harvest Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Dash had an intense romantic relationship with the famous Lillian Hellman, a playwright most known for works like The Children's Hour and Toys In the Attic. There's even a movie about their fiery love affair called Dash and Lilly. If you're ever in Austin, Texas, be sure to check out the Hammett and Hellman Archives. (Source)

Red Harvest takes place in the fictional city of Personville. But if you've become a fan of Hammett, the majority of his other novels take place in the dark alleyways of not-so-sunny San Francisco. You can even hop on a bus and take a tour of the "mean streets" of Hammett's San Francisco. (Source)

The Continental Op appeared in 36 short stories, and never once does Hammett give him a name. All but two of these stories were published in a pulp magazine called Black Mask. (Source)