Kurt Barlow Timeline & Summary


Kurt Barlow Timeline & Summary

  • Barlow becomes a vampire, possibly long before the birth of Christ. He may, of course, be exaggerating, as bad guys are wont to do.
  • Barlow takes the name "Barlow," probably in Austria sometime in the early 20th century.
  • Barlow corresponds with Hubie Marsten, and they chat about shared hobbies like Satanic rituals and sacrificing children.
  • Straker goes to 'Salem's Lot to prepare for Barlow's coming. When all is set, Barlow's coffin is placed in the basement of the Marsten House (this is 1975).
  • Barlow starts wandering around the Lot turning people into vampires at night. Good times.
  • Straker captures Mark and Susan for Barlow to feed on. Barlow takes Susan, but Mark escapes, wounding Straker. Barlow's hunger is so great he kills his own minion.
  • Barlow abandons the Marsten basement as unsafe, leaving Susan behind for the vampire hunters to find.
  • To take revenge on Mark, Barlow kills his parents, the Petries. He also defeats Father Callahan, making the priest drink his blood.
  • Barlow moves into the boarding house, hiding in the root cellar.
  • Barlow has his vampires booby-trap the stairs. The trap kills Jimmy, but Mark and Ben manage to find Barlow just as night falls, and they stake him.
  • Barlow's body disintegrates, leaving behind only his teeth. Gross.