Slam Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

That's just how it is. You can't rewrite history, or leave bits of it out just because it suits you. (1.11)

Or can you? Sam seems to be able to rewrite history by traveling to the future, checking it out, and then perfecting it by the time he gets there for real. When he first takes Rufus to the doc, he doesn't even know his son's real name. The second time around, though, he knows his name and what to do. It seems like history can be rewritten if time is on your side.

Quote #2

I dreamed my way through school for the next few weeks. I dreamed my way through life, really. It was all just waiting. (3.1)

When Sam first starts seeing Alicia, he's in a trance. He can't think straight, nor would he want to. He's so lost when it comes to everything but Alicia because she's all that he's focusing on. It's as if he spends most of his time asleep, unless Alicia is around.

Quote #3

In those few weeks, it was bad enough waking up in the morning and knowing that I wouldn't be seeing her until after school. That was torture. That was pulling out fingernails one by one. But on the Pizza Express day I woke up knowing that I wouldn't see her UNTIL THE END OF THE NEXT DAY. (3.32)

Yikes. Spending the day apart can seem like a lifetime when you really love someone. For Sam, time drags on slowly when he's hanging out with his mom. All he can think about is when he'll get to see Alicia next, and he can hardly wait until the next day so he can see her. It's funny to think that in just a few weeks, he's sick of spending time with her already.