Speaker for the Dead Chapter 2 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • The chapter header is a note from Pipo (Joao Figueria Alvarez) in reply to a cranky offworld scholar. Pipo is explaining why they can't figure out anything about the piggies (basically, because Starways won't let them ask any questions).
  • Back to the story proper: Pipo's death is important everywhere, since the piggies are a big deal.
  • Starways decides one possibly accidental death isn't cause for an apocalyptic response, and they just ask to reduce contact with the piggies, rather than sending a fleet to destroy the planet or some such.
  • And we pop over to Trondheim and the icy city of Reykjavik, where Andrew Wiggins—a.k.a. Ender, a.k.a. Speaker for the Dead, a.k.a. our awesome protagonist—is hanging out waiting for his plot to start.
  • He's sitting with his students and they're talking about the Bugger War and what a monster Ender was for killing all the buggers. He's not paying much attention.
  • A computer implant in his ear tells him about the piggies and he starts to question his students.
  • One student, Plikt, explains Demosthenes's (a.k.a. Ender's sister Valentine's) way of cataloguing foreignness, derived from Nordic languages.
  • The catalogue is: Utlanning, the stranger that is recognized as human from our world, but another city. Then there's frammling, a stranger who is human but from another world. Then ramen, a stranger who is human but another species. And finally the varelse, who are true aliens, including animals.
  • So utlanning, frammling, ramen, varelse. Backwards that would be eslerav, nemar, gnilmmarf, gninnaltu. Got it? There will be a test later.
  • Plikt goes on to say that this relates to the xenocide of the buggers because Ender thought they were varelse, not ramen, so can't really be wrong for killing them.
  • A student expresses major skepticism. Ender silently condescends to him, but Shmoop thinks the kid has a point. Shmoop also thinks that Ender is maybe being a smug jerk here, and Shmoop would not like to have him as a teacher.
  • Anyway, Ender tells them about the piggies killing Pipo, and they wonder whether the piggies are ethically responsible or not, and whether they're ramen or varelse.
  • Ender thinks about how much more he knows than his students because he's awesome and has been around forever. Also he thinks about the piggies.
  • Plikt comes up to him and says she knows he's got a secret, or several secrets (he found out about Pipo's death before anyone else), but Ender stonewalls her.
  • Ender feels sorry for himself because everybody hates him for killing the buggers. There is a pity party with cake and dead buggers and tiny violins.
  • He's thinking about going to Lusitania because he is an outcast like the piggies. Also like Novinha. They are meant to be together, right?