Stargirl Tone

Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky? Playful?


How would you best complete this sentence?

The author thinks Stargirl is _________________________.

A. weird
B. mean
C. wise
D. goofy

Did you choose C? If so, you are on the right track to figuring out the tone of Stargirl.

Throughout the book, the author and everyone he describes seem in awe of Stargirl and all her genuine, positive qualities. It's only at the very end of the novel that we learn just what makes her so special, and so worthy of great respect. Archie's description of Stargirl seals the deal: this is a book that reveres its subject matter. He tells us, "every once in a while someone comes along who is a little more primitive than the rest of us, a little closer to our beginnings, a little more in touch with the stuff we're made of" (32.23). He's talking about Stargirl here, of course. And who wouldn't revere someone who is in touch with the stars out of which we were made?