Stranger in a Strange Land Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"My dear, there are aspects of sex of which it is impossible to communicate between the two sexes of our race. They are sometimes grokked by intuition across the gulf that separates us, by exceptionally gifted individuals." (22.60)

Here's our starting point. As the novel continues, this idea will evolve and change. We'll give you one guess as to who the "gifted individual" will be.

Quote #2

"And by 'love' He didn't mean namby-pamby old-maid love that's scared to look up from a hymn book for fear of seeing a temptation of the flesh. If God hated flesh, why did He make so much of it? God is no sissy." (27.116)

Pat disagrees with the idea that God sees sex and sexual desire as something that should be hidden and shameful. For her and the other Fosterites, sex is celebrated in a more open way than in more conservative religious ideals.

Quote #3

"In the twentieth century (Terran Christian Era) nowhere on Earth was sex so vigorously suppressed [than in America]—and nowhere was there such a deep interest in it." (27.121)

It's that old adage. If you make something forbidden or scarce, people are just going to want it more. In this future, this hasn't changed one bit.