Association in Surrealism

Association in Surrealism

Another stylistic strategy that the Surrealists are known for, which is related to their use of juxtaposition and automatic writing, is association. "Association" refers to the connections that we make between different thoughts, ideas, or images. Sometimes these associations are really bizarre, which, according to our Surrealist buddies, makes them that much better.

The Surrealists like to "associate" thoughts and images with one another, even if those thoughts and images are super different. Automatic writing is dependent on association as a literary technique. The Surrealists liked to let their minds (and their pens) wander and come up with all kinds of nutso associations.

Chew On This

So how do Surrealist poets use association? In his poem "Central Heating," the Surrealist poet Pierre Reverdy associates the central heating system to the human body and heart. Have a look at an analysis of this association here.

In "Free Union," the poet André Breton makes all kinds of crazy associations between his wife's body parts and other things. Have a look at these associations here.