Sweat Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

But she was a wash-woman, and Monday morning meant a great deal to her. (1)

Right off the bat, we're introduced to Delia's strong work ethic; it appears to be central to her identity. As the story continues, we come to learn that she works just as hard—or harder—than all the men in her hometown, and most definitely shows up her no-good husband. We like her already.

Quote #2

She lifted her eyes to the door and saw him standing there bent over with laughter at her fright. (4)

Ugh. Here, Sykes is laughing at Delia for being scared of his bullwhip. This is a classic case of bullying, something he likes to do quite often to his wife to exert control and continue to take advantage of her. From the moment we meet him, we can see Sykes is a disrespectful, pitiful man who uses his might to intimidate Delia.

Quote #3

"You sho is one aggravatin' n***** woman!" he declared and stepped into the room. She resumed her work and did not answer him at once." (8)

Insults are all this guy seems to be able to offer. Is it Delia's fault she was born a woman? No. Is it Sykes's fault that he treats her poorly? Yes. All she's trying to do is work and all he's trying to do is cause problems. We think Sykes is just intimidated by his wife's impressive ability to provide for the two of them. We never said he was a good guy.