Tar Baby Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Lazy. Really Lazy. I never thought I'd hear a black man admit it." (5.282)

When Son tells Jade that he doesn't care for glamour and riches, Jade can only shake her head and call him lazy. In her mind, there is only one proper way to live life, and that's to be as rich and successful as possible. To her, Son just looks like he's making excuses.

Quote #2

"That's not lazy."
"What is it then?"
"It's not being able to get excited about money."
"Get able. Get excited." (5.285-288)

As you can tell by now, Son and Jade have very different definitions of what lazy is. Son doesn't think he's lazy just because he doesn't care about money. But Jade responds to this by commanding him to get excited about money. You can definitely see where each of their priorities lie in this passage.

Quote #3

"Just hold your head up and stop making excuses about not having anything. Not even your original dime. It's not romantic. And it's not being free. It's dumb." (5.300)

Jade is sick and tired of Son's claims about not caring about money. She thinks that he only says he doesn't want money because he doesn't have it, and that he's making excuses in order to seem romantic when he's actually just a failure. But she won't let him get away with it. She thinks it's dumb to act like you don't want money.