Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro)’s Timeline and Summary

Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Travis gets a job at the taxi company so he can drive around at night instead of passively suffering insomnia.
  • He develops a crush on Betsy, who works on the campaign for presidential candidate Charles Palantine.
  • Acting on a misguided first date idea, Travis takes Betsy to a porn movie. She definitively rejects him.
  • Travis starts to go crazier and crazier. He buys a full arsenal of guns and fantasizes about violence.
  • He shoots a robber who was attempting to hold up a corner store. The store owner beats the robber's half-living body and Travis leaves.
  • Travis tries to convince a twelve year old prostitute, Iris, to leave her pimp and find a better life elsewhere, but she won't say that she'll go.
  • Sporting a new Mohawk, Travis almost tries to assassinate Charles Palantine, but he's spotted when attempting to draw his gun. He flees successfully.
  • Instead of killing Palantine, he murders Iris' pimp, Sport, and two other gangster-ish guys. Travis is wounded and then tries to kill himself, but is out of ammo.
  • While in a coma from his wounds, Travis is hailed as a hero and thanked by Iris' parents.
  • Back at work as a taxi driver, he gives Betsy a free ride in his cab, and drives off into the night, his future unknown.