The Da Vinci Code Theme of Art

You can't talk Da Vinci Code without discussing a little bit of art, as well. This book is riddled with references to various masterpieces painted by the likes of Caravaggio, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, and the rest of the Ninja Turtles.

Sometimes Dan Brown mentions a work of art because it makes him sound smart, and sometime the art is a plot device itself, like when he reveals that there's hidden imagery about the Holy Grail in the infamous Last Supper. Either way, consider yourself an art history major now. Congratulations.

Questions About Art

  1. What are some of the different types of art Langdon mentions that have Holy Grail references?
  2. Why is art such an effective conveyance of metaphor and secret meaning?
  3. What effect does Brown's choice of references have on his readers? How would his audience change if, say, he referenced Metallica and Korn instead of Caravaggio and Da Vinci?
  4. What is Sophie's favorite piece by Da Vinci? How does her grandfather use this knowledge to his advantage?