Sir Leigh Teabing/The Teacher Timeline & Summary


Sir Leigh Teabing/The Teacher Timeline & Summary

  • Sophie and Langdon arrive at his Chateau seeking his help.
  • Teabing and Langdon gleefully educate Sophie on the true meaning of the Holy Grail.
  • When Silas barges in, Teabing saves the day and provides the means for them all to escape.
  • They fly on his private jet to an airfield outside London, heading to the Temple Church to try to find the answer to Sauniére's first clue.
  • In Temple Church, Silas and Rémy try to steal the keystone (again), but Teabing's taken as a "hostage."
  • After his hostage-ruse works, Teabing kills Rémy by poisoning his celebratory sip of cognac-peanut cocktail. (Blegh.)
  • Teabing calls the police to provide an anonymous tip that Silas will be at the London Opus Dei headquarters.
  • Those loose-ends taken care of, he heads to Westminster Abbey to seek out Newton's tomb and try to find the missing orb in Sauniére's clue.
  • When Sophie and Langdon catch up with him there, he realizes he still needs their help.
  • Teabing concocts a plan to lure the two into a deserted area of the church in order to reveal his plan and force them to open the keystone. He reveals the fact that he's been manipulating them all the whole time.
  • Langdon opens the keystone, but Teabing is arrested by Bezu Fache before he can learn what the invaluable papyrus says.