The Forest of Hands and Teeth Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Forest of Hands and Teeth? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How are Mary's actions ironic at the end of the book?

She suffers from the abandonment of others, and then she abandons her only friends.
She always wanted to see the beach, and she finally did.
Her mom invites her to be a zombie, and she totally accepts.
Irony? Irony is subjective, is it not? Who's to say it's ironic or it's not? Hmmm?
Q. Mary is afraid of…

Chuck Norris
All of the above (including choice two, because really, who isn't?)
Q. Who does Cass love more than anyone in the universe?

Brad Pitt
Jacob (the kid, not the werewolf)
Q. Why didn't Mary's mom ever leave their village?

She was too in love with her hubby.
There were gates and fences. Duh.
She felt safe there.
Mary superglued her to their front door whenever she left her alone.
Q. Sister Tabitha thinks that zombies are what?

the answer to her problems
her friends
a punishment from God