Gender Quotes in The Golem and the Jinni

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Do you know what a golem is? […] It's a beast of burden. A lumbering, unthinking slave." (1.13, 1.15)

Sadly, at this time in human history, you could replace "golem" with "woman," and this sentence would still be historically accurate.

Quote #2

The women cooked and milked and mended as the sun traced its familiar path through the sky. (5.121)

When you take into consideration the fact that the Jinni was trapped in the flask for 1000 years, this puts Fadwa's sequence of events in about the year 900… which means the Golem is still spending her days much the same way a thousand years later. Hrm…

Quote #3

Sometimes we women must do men's work as well as our own. (9.114)

So basically, the women have to do everything. It's not like the men ever sit around and milk the goats or mend the clothes.