The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) Plot Analysis

Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice.


Meet Todd

Todd's your average kid from a parallel universe where everyone's thoughts can be heard all the time. He's frustrated with life in cranky and unhappy Prentisstown until something weird happens—he hears silence—and he has to leave with no real explanation as to why. Pretty quickly, boy meets girl, and girl happens to be the source of said silence. Not only is she the first female boy (okay, Todd) has ever seen since the ladies are all supposed to be dead, but she's also the first person he's ever encountered whose thoughts aren't broadcast constantly. So what now?

Rising Action

On the Run

Todd and Viola (the silent girl) are on the run. Aaron, this malevolent preacher from Prentisstown, is in hot pursuit, as well as an army of men. At first, Todd and Viola aren't too sure where they need to go, but they eventually decide to head to Haven, the largest—and original settlement—where they can be safe from the army and Viola can send a message to her people in space.


Moment of Truth

Todd finally learns the truth about Prentisstown: The men killed the women and are all being controlled by Mayor Prentiss. Yikes. And once he came of age, he was going to be forced to kill an innocent person in order to become part of the Prentisstown pack. Some club, that one.

Todd and Viola finally come head to head with Aaron, who has been chasing them all along (seriously—dude just doesn't quit). And when they do, it turns out that Aaron has been hoping that Todd will kill him and fulfill his Prentisstown destiny—Aaron's trying to carry on the Prentisstown legacy and prohibit Todd from escaping. Todd knows that he has to kill Aaron, but still can't make himself do it. Luckily for him, Viola kills Aaron instead, finally ridding them of their evil pursuer. Now things can wind down a bit.

Falling Action

Worst Case Scenario

Todd carries an injured Viola to Haven, but when they get there, the city is empty except for one man: Mayor Prentiss. Ugh. Mayor Prentiss explains to Todd that everyone in the city left because there was a rumor of an army coming. The residents' departure set the stage for the Mayor, who now calls himself President, to catch Todd by himself.

Did we say things would start winding down? We should have added an ish to that—they're winding down-ish.


Or Lack Thereof

This book doesn't get a resolution so much as it gets a cliffhanger. We are left on the empty streets of Haven with Viola, Todd, and President Prentiss, wondering what the next step will be until we get our hands on the sequel.