The Leopard Theme of Pride

When you're an aristocrat who comes from hundreds of years of noble families, you're bound to have a little pride. What's so interesting about The Leopard is how several wealthy, noble characters negotiate the fact that the world is changing; the things that once made people proud (like family bloodlines) aren't as important as they used to be. And pride isn't very adaptable. Instead, it tends to be rigid when demanding respect. So what do you do when the world refuses to give you the respect you think you deserve? Well, that's one of the things this book wants us to have a look at.

Questions About Pride

  1. In what situations do we see Prince Fabrizio's pride come out? In what situations is he humble? Why?
  2. How does Fabrizio's pride compare to Don Calogero's? How are they similar? How are they different?
  3. How does family pride affect the lives of Fabrizio's daughters? Is it a negative or positive influence? Why?
  4. Does Fabrizio deserve to feel as proud as he does? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In The Leopard, we learn that sooner or later, pride always leads to a downfall.

The Leopard shows us that pride can be a positive force if we take pride in the right things.