The Man Who Was Almost a Man Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

Shucks, a man oughta hava little gun aftah he done worked hard all day. (1)

For Dave, the equation is simple: boy + gun = man. Not quite, buddy. Still, he does an awful lot of work for a seventeen-year-old—doesn't he deserve some respect?

Quote #2

"Your ma lettin you have your own money now?"

"Shuck. Mistah Joe, Ahm gittin t be a man like anybody else!" (9-10)

Well, there goes being a man. Although this exchange proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dave is still a boy, we can't help but put some of the blame on his parents for this. Is hoarding all of their son's money really the best tactic?

Quote #3

He did not want to mention money before his father […] He looked at his father uneasily out of the edge of his eye. (61)

Dave is straight-up intimidated by his father. His mom loves to play the good cop, easily guilt-tripped into giving her darling son whatever he wants. His father, on the other hand, will shut that nonsense down in a second. If you were wondering what Dave's gold standard of masculinity is, look no further than his father.